The SȾÁUTW̱ First Nation Leadership consists of elected members of the community that make up the Chief and Council.

Elections are currently held bi-annually, with the most recent election of July 05, 2023. The current leadership are:

Chief: Abraham Pelkey


  • George Horne
  • Samantha Etzel
  • John Etzel
  • Blake Joseph
  • Harvey Underwood
  • Stanley Sam
  • Donald Williams
  • John Wilson
Abraham Pelkey
George Horne
Samantha Etzel
John Etzel
Blake Joseph
Harvey Underwood
Stanley Sam
Donald Williams
John Wilson


The Administration team at SȾÁUTW̱ is committed to fostering community growth and preserving cultural heritage.

The Chief Executive Officer provides visionary leadership, guiding the organization with clarity and purpose.

The Chief Operating Officer oversees daily operations, maintaining seamless functionality.

The Chief Financial Officer expertly manages financial resources, ensuring prudent use of funds.

Together, this exceptional team diligently steers SȾÁUTW̱ toward a bright and prosperous future.

Chief Executive Officer
Dr. Christine Bird
Chief Operating Officer
Micah Claxton
Chief Financial Officer
Greg Diemer
Governance Support
Becky Wilson
Human Resources Manager
Colleen Spence

SȾÁUTW̱ First Nation is honouring our traditional language by updating our logo to reflect the SENĆOŦEN spelling. This decision affirms our cultural identity and also honours the work by our Elders and Language Champions to keep our language alive. By celebrating the revival of our language, we also emphasize the importance of preserving our heritage for future generations.


The SȾÁUTW̱ First Nation is one of five communities that constitute the W̱SÁNEĆ Nation. The other W̱SÁNEĆ Nations are Tsartlip, Tseycum, Malahat and Pauquachin.

East Saanich IR No. 2, the SȾÁUTW̱ First Nation main village, is about 15 minutes north of the City of Victoria and lies on the east side of the Saanich Peninsula. The village (“reserve”)  can be accessed via Highway 17 – Pat Bay Highway. We have a population of 1600 people living in SȾÁUTW̱ (year 2006 est.) with approximately 1/3 of the population being registered band members, and others being residents who are leasing lands from landowners.

East Saanich IR No. 2 is approximately 241 hectares in size. There are single family residential, and leased modular homes, band administration and commercial developments. The commercial developments include motels, restaurants, offices and gas stations. We have  a community water and sewer system in place. Our water system is supplied by the Peninsula Water Commission, and SȾÁUTW̱ has its own sewage treatment facility.